Join our challenge to begin your coaching journey to creating impact and giving back.
Where we will pour everything into helping you to create the life you want incredibly quickly, empowering you to pay it forward to by helping others to create their best lives too:
Smash your mental blocks
Take back control of your life
Get a whole new perspective on your challenges
Become supercharged with energy and enthusiasm
Too many of us waste our precious life on autopilot, letting bad habits, and fear get in the way of the lives we’re meant to live.
Am I right?
This does not have to be you anymore!
And believe me, we get it, changing your life for the better can feel like a daunting task, but we’re here to tell you that with the right tools, attitude, and support the journey can actually be fun & rewarding!
Whether you have experienced a rut in your job, relationships, lifestyle, or health... It doesn’t have to be this way!
If that’s you, we know what it’s like. Not too long ago we were struggling yoga teachers running a failing business. Then we learned how to tap into a space that allowed us to feel free of things in our life that were no longer serving us.
We started having FUN again, going deep with our real selves and igniting the fire within.
We discovered 3 core areas that helped us turn everything around: vision (or as we like to call it: magic), clearing, and community.
I took a leap of faith to work with the Volcanos. Yet, I know they once took leaps too. I've watched them both transform their lives and it happened rapidly because they chose that alignment. I can see their miracles happening and can feel their infectious energy, which is backed by skills, methods, and knowledge that only comes with application and tested experiences.
Hereaclitus Here Vernon
Joining this challenge opened space in my heart and mind for miracles to occur. This is the place to come when you’re stuck, feeling unworthy, and needing support.
Lauren Oxenhandler
Before I experienced The Little Volcano, I felt stuck, I felt unsuccessful, I felt unworthy. I constantly doubted myself. I had a level of self-loathing I would never wish upon another. I was in a place of such self hatred, I loved my “enemies” more than I loved myself. Then I signed up for GYST.
Jamie Smith
In fact we do things completely differently because….
You DON’T need to do it alone, this challenge is live and interactive with the accountability of a supportive community
You DON’T need to slog your way through the heavy stuff, we have ways of making personal development fun, playful and joyful
You DON’T have to feel stuck in a cycle of inaction, lack of belief and scarcity anymore!
...that your life is about to change for the better
…that you have the power inside of you to create a fulfilling life
…that you’re about to learn something new about yourself on a deeper level than ever before
…that you deserve this
…you still need to be willing to take action.
And when you do, I promise the universe will open up for you
A lot of us like to say “I’ve done this work before”
That’s kinda like saying “I’ve brushed my teeth before”
Well just because you’ve brushed your teeth before, does that mean you never have to do it again?
This is “the work” like you’ve never seen it before.
You might have heard of some of the concepts before but believe me, we present them in a whole new way.
The work can apply at every level of growth and transformation, which is why we have people who have done 5,10, or even 25 challenge with us.
So come with an open mind, ready to grow and you will astonish yourself with what you will take away from this challenge!
Plus you get to have fun doing it too…. That’s not bad
Creating deep awareness of your unconscious patterns with the support of a fun community and a team of highly trained coaches
So your confidence, self love, and emotional intelligence become your new, empowered way of being.
Think of yourself like a pickle inside a pickle jar…
The pickle can’t read the label on the outside of the jar because they live on the inside….
They feel uncomfortable and desperate for change but they have no idea how to get out…They’re just stuck fermenting in the juices of their own stinky BS excuses….
Until a coach comes along and gently, lovingly opens the jar, and lets you see the label you’ve unconsciously put there.
Once you’re aware of your unconscious thoughts, beliefs and habits, you then gain the power to rewrite that label to be something empowering instead.
First off, let’s talk about the elephant in the spiritual room….
So many spiritual people out there claim the catchphrase of “love and light” but deep down they have a non stop stream of judgments, anger and negative self-talk.
Talk about spiritual bypassing…
Imagine your emotions like a cup full of liquid.
When life comes along and rattles you, what spills over?
Knee jerk reactions
Negative emotions aren’t a bad thing, they’re indicators that deep down there is a need that is not being met.
When we can build awareness around it instead of putting on a “love and light” bandaid and sweeping it under the rug… that’s when we truly begin to heal and from there life changes for the better rapidly.
When you become the writer, producer and director of your emotions, you can create ANYTHING.
And then the third problem is very likely your communication.
Many of us were raised by parents who were brought up with a different kind of mindset…
Where things like “the silent treatment” or “sweeping your feelings under the rug while silently resenting the other person” were the norm.
This style of relating to one another ultimately creates less understanding and more distance from those we love and care for.
It can also create massive problems in relationships that don’t need to exist… Eventually leading to break up and divorce.
In this challenge we will share with you one simple formula that will change everything about how you communicate in all your relationships.
We have watched over the years as this simple formula has saved thousands of marriages, parental relationships and even professional ones.
We will teach you how your thoughts create your reality, and how to begin to rewire your habitual patterns in an instant to form new empowering ones.
Shadow Work & Energy Leaks
We teach you how to lovingly integrate the shadow aspects of yourself so they don't run the show anymore
Then we teach you how to start sealing the holes in your energy bucket to make room for more magic
Vision & Communication
We will share with you a formula for communication that we've seen heal thousands of relationships
Then we will teach you a highly effective manifestation technique for creating a powerful vision for what you want in life
Abundance Mindset
We will share how to release old programmed beliefs about money and create a new, empowering, heart-centered relationship with money instead so you can have more freedom and create a bigger impact on the world.
Trusting Your Intuition & Owning Your Value
We wrap up the challenge by sharing with you how to trust your own intuition on a deeper level so you can take a leap of faith into the life you want.
hen we share with you how to embody worthiness at a core level so you build unshakable self belief
"Once my mindset had shifted, the universe shifted too. I was confident enough in my abilities as a yoga teacher that I texted a fellow teacher who was cutting down her classes and effectively asked for the class she was dropping. I’m still teaching the class she unreservedly gave me and it is the highlight of my week every week! That would not have happened without coaching because I wouldn’t have considered myself worthy of it.”
Hannah Floyd
We started having FUN again, embracing our authentic selves and igniting the fire within. In a short period of time we went from homeless and broke sacrificial healers to building a heart centered, mission driven 7 figure coaching business helping thousands of people all over the world.
We discovered 3 core areas that helped us turn everything around: vision (or as we like to call it: magic), clearing, and community.
Since then we’ve been building a tribe of people all over the world who have stepped out of their darkness and into the full unique brilliance of their spirits.
We’ve worked with thousands of people who felt stuck with negative thoughts, mental blocks, and energy leaks that kept them tied up for years.
What’s incredible is the amount of energy released with just a few simple changes in perspective which allows people to reach deep levels of self-love and healing. From that place, all the sudden anything becomes possible.
We've seen challengers discover a true sense of belonging, achieve exciting visions they previously didn't believe were possible for them and heal relationships through the tools we teach in this challenge.
"Joining this challenge opened space in my heart and mind for miracles to occur. This is the place to come when you’re stuck, feeling unworthy, and needing support. Rosie and Kit are masterful at creating a space that allows you to feel free of things in your life that are no longer serving you as you step into your more authentic self. I’ve never had so much fun getting deep with myself and connecting with other magical souls. Thank you for all the joy and opportunity you’re bringing out in people all over the world! Kisses coaches!"
Chris Thayer
Become one of the thousands of brave souls who have ignited their self love, confidence and inner power through the Volcano.
Become one of the thousands of brave souls who have ignited their self love, confidence and inner power through the Volcano.
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